In accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), notice is given that a formal public consultation on the Pre-Submission Version Ware Neighbourhood Plan started at 9.00am on 11 April 2022 for a six week period ending at 5pm on 10 June 2022.
About the Plan
At the request of Ware Town Council, on 11 September 2018, East Herts District Council designated the Ware Neighbourhood Area. A steering group comprising local councillors and volunteers from the community was set up to lead the project to develop the Ware Neighbourhood Plan.
The Neighbourhood Plan is a document that outlines planning and land-use policies relating to the Ware neighbourhood area. It is a formal document that sets out, in development terms, how land should be used within the area, as well as planning policies to influence development proposals. The Neighbourhood Plan must undergo a rigorous process, including a series of consultations, an independent examination and finally a local referendum, as ultimately it will form part of the development plan for the East Herts District, sitting alongside the East Herts District Framework.
If successful, it would be used alongside the District Council’s planning policies to determine the outcome of planning applications within Ware neighbourhood area.
The Pre-Submission Version Ware Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed in whole here
The Evidence base for the Ware Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed here
The Pre-Submission Ware Neighbourhood Plan has been screened to determine if it is likely to have significant environmental impacts that would require it to be accompanied by a Strategic Environmental Assessment and/or Habitats Regulations Assessments. The screening determined that neither is required, and the report can be viewed here
You can also view hard copies of the Plan at Ware Library
We welcome your views on the draft policies.
Please submit your responses in one of the following ways:
Using the online survey above
By email to:
By post to: Ware Town Council, The Priory, High St, Ware SG12 9AL
If you require assistance in viewing the Neighbourhood Plan documents, please contact the Town Council on: 01920 460316
A summary of all comments will be made publicly available and each will be carefully reviewed. The Neighbourhood Plan will be amended accordingly into its Submission Version, which will be formally submitted to East Herts District Council. The District Council will undertake a further round of consultation, after which the Plan will be independently examined. If successful, it will proceed to a local referendum.