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We're putting the finishing touches to our Draft Plan. We'd love to hear your views...

What does our Plan have to say about housing? And protecting Ware's heritage? And what about economic well-being, the town centre, the environment, transport? If you're after a quick and easy catch-up, you've come to the right place

We've tried to keep this page relevant though in truth it was originally set up in preparation for our second public consultation exercise, which ended in June 2022.


We hope the bite-sized extracts featured here continue to be useful in giving a flavour of the notions lying at the heart of our Draft Plan as we prepare to submit it for independent examination.


But scroll down to the bottom of the page if you want to cut to the chase and read our latest version in full.


Your views are always welcome. Engage with us on social media: there are Facebook and Twitter icons at the head and the foot of every page on this site.


Alternatively, you can always email us via this link.


As ever, we really appreciate your continued support.


The Neighbourhood Plan is important not just for you... but for your friends, your family and all future residents of our town.


"The focus here is to ensure that there’s a range of general housing designed to meet the needs of people in Ware as they age and their requirements change... The emphasis should be on smaller housing situated close to shops and services, principally in Ware town centre."


"Our policies seek to ensure that new developments in Ware are well-designed. They should also be in keeping with, and where possible enhance, the existing character of the town... The historic assets that contribute to Ware’s character are an irreplaceable resource and should be conserved..."


"At the heart of the draft Plan, there’s a recognition that it must help position Ware as a thriving 21st century market town centre by supporting a sustainable mix of uses, which will encourage footfall throughout the day and into the evening... Mixed-use development proposals will normally be supported..."


"The plan’s environment policies seek to ensure that the multiple benefits of Ware’s green and blue spaces – including their importance in combating pressure on wildlife, habitats, biodiversity and geodiversity and in off-setting the effects of air pollution – are recognised and enhanced..."

"The plan’s environment policies seek to ensure that the multiple benefits of Ware’s green and blue spaces – including their importance in combating pressure on wildlife, habitats, biodiversity and geodiversity and in off-setting the effects of air pollution – are recognised and enhanced..."


"Our transport policies seek to enhance walking and cycling along the routes most likely to effect a shift away from the private car for short journeys in and around Ware... Proposals to improve the flow of traffic and pedestrian safety on key roads in the Neighbourhood Plan area will be strongly supported..."

We'd absolutely love it if you felt able to engage with the Draft Plan in its entirety. The latest (August 2022) pre-submission version is available in full here.


An earlier (April 2022) version for consultation at Regulation 14 is available here.


And we've archived earlier stages in this evolutionary process.

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